Doing the work? Now let’s get results!
What is precision medicine and what are the benefits? I could explain the process in detail, but the quickest way to gain understanding is simply to look at the results my patients are getting (names and identifying details have been changed to protect their private healthcare information).
“Joe” came to me because he was gaining weight and knew from testing through his primary care doctor that he was developing very high “bad” cholesterol, high blood sugars/insulin resistance, and low/normal testosterone. He was exercising a lot and doing intermittent fasting, but it wasn’t helping. His doctor suggested he just go on cholesterol and diabetes medicines and ignore the testosterone level because it was technically normal. We did a deep dive into his genetics, labs, and lifestyle and identified and addressed the root causes of these problems. After just 6 weeks working on those issues with me - and requiring no medications - his testosterone is up 17%, insulin is down 35%, and “bad” cholesterol is down 22%. He has lost 9 pounds so far. He is gaining fitness, getting much stronger, and he is putting on muscle.
“Sarah” was concerned because she had gained 20 pounds over the course of the pandemic, was struggling with poor energy and mental focus, and had developed some high blood pressure. Her other main issue was that she had been struggling with episodes of rosacea and breakouts of cystic acne through her entire adult life. She had seen dermatologists three times over the years with no consistent improvement. Even more frustrating, she was eating a good diet and exercising and was actually both gaining weight and watching her lab numbers get worse each year. Five months into working with RISE, she has lost 20 pounds, her energy and focus are much better, her skin has cleared up, she has gotten off of her blood pressure medicine, and she now has normal cholesterol numbers. The only medicine she is taking is her thyroid medicine due to a history of low thyroid, and she did not need to start any new oral medications (just a few supplements and a topical medicine for the skin) to achieve her goals.
“Kate” sought me out because her cholesterol was steadily going up each year and she felt like she was getting “unwanted squishiness around the waist” (a great way to put it!), despite a healthy diet and frequent exercise. She also was suffering from sciatica and consistently poor quality sleep. A fear she had was that she would end up in a nursing home some day, so she wanted to know what her long term health risks were and work to eliminate them. Well, “Kate” just graduated from my six month health optimization plan and she crushed her goals. With no medications, her cholesterol went down by 24% and she has lost the weight she wanted to lose. Her sciatica is “gone” and she rates her sleep as “amazing.” We identified an increased risk of Alzheimer’s Disease in her genetics and she has taken numerous steps to reduce that risk. She says she feels better today than she has in years. I am confident Kate will be continuing to bike, play pickleball, read, and play word games into her 90s and beyond.
Many people are doing a lot of work trying to improve their health but are not getting the gains they want. I often find after looking at their genetics, labs, and metabolic testing that they just aren’t doing the right kind of work to achieve their goals. Once I provide them with the blueprint they need to follow, all the hard work they are putting in starts to really pay off and large gains are made in their energy, focus, athletic performance, and overall health.